Stock Footage
The team of Zemia Media SL has travelled all over Europe to film the travel documentary series Traveline, broadcast in the Russian Television under the title “Евротур“. As a result of those months worth of travel, our media library includes a lot of material covering large areas of several European countries. This includes countries of difficult access such as Serbia, Montenegro, Ukraine or Iceland, where travelling as a foreign filmmaker is often more complicated than in very touristic European regions.
Other productions of Zemia Media SL filmed within Spain have also yielded many hours of video material that could be used for your own documentaries or programs.
Through our partners at Pond5 you can download and license HD video clips from our digital library to help you avoid the travel, trouble and spending the time required to capture all these images.
Our collection currently includes images from: Iceland, Scotland, Wales, Iceland, Catalonia, Spain, England, Belgium, The Netherlands, Estonia, Germany, Portugal, Ukraine, Liechtenstein, Andorra and France, as well as thematic images of festivals, infrastructures, plantations, landscapes of glaciers and fjords.