Our main travel documentary series is “Traveline”, hosted by Nataliia Maiboroda, directed by Santiago Rodríguez and produced by Marcos Rodríguez. In Traveline, Nataliia tries to present a collection of touristic destinations highlighting aspects of their nature and their environment, and inviting the audience to enjoy their visit even more by learning how some of those landscapes were formed.
The series also deals with more popular touristic activities, like visiting the Oktoberfest in Munich, diving in the clear waters of Southern Lanzarote, the palaces in the Crimean Riviera or the nightlife in Belgrade.
The series consists of 13 episodes:
1. Ukraine & Crimea
4. Serbia
7. Bavaria
10. Malta
2. Iceland
5. Montenegro
8. The European Microstates
11. Northern Portugal
13. Estonia
3. The Canary Islands
6. Basque Country & Navarra
9. Provence
12. Southern Portugal
Each episode proposes a route to discover a country or a region in 55 minutes.
Traveline has been dubbed into Russian and broadcast in the Russian Federation under the name “Евротур” by 1HDTV/Первый ТВЧ‘s channel Телепутешествия in 2012 and 2013. Some of the episodes have also been dubbed into Spanish language by Zemia Media SL. The voice cast in Spanish includes Laura Lara (as N. Maiboroda), Ferran Luego, Víctor Ruiz and Santiago Rodríguez.